Nordic backs next generation of cellular IoT pioneers with challenge sponsorship

The Smart IoT Product Challenge asks start-ups to demonstrate ideas using the nRF9160 SiP-powered Tributech OEM module

Nordic Semiconductor is helping to uncover the next generation of cellular IoT innovators by providing its sponsorship and support of Tributech Solutions’ ‘Smart Product Challenge for IoT Solutions’. The Austrian IoT data asset management technology company is calling on European start-ups that want to develop smart, secure connected products using innovative sensor hardware and connectivity technologies to enter the contest that offers a €33,000  ($37,000) prize pool, including a €5,000  ($5,600) cash prize for the winner.

Free product development kit

To enter the contest, start-up companies headquartered in Europe must upload a pitch deck and online application form to the competition website by March 25, including details of their smart product idea and the technology it will employ, as well as the benefits to the end customer. Every completed submission will receive a free smart product development kit including everything they require to prototype their connected product idea including Tributech’s nRF9160 SiP-powered ‘Tributech OEM module’, Nordic’s nRF52840 DK, and Infineon’s Shield2Go sensors.

Nordic is a firm believer in supporting IoT innovation in all its forms

Thomas Page, Nordic Semiconductor

The best submissions will then be invited to pitch their idea to a jury of experts from Tributech, Nordic, and fellow sponsor companies including Microsoft, Infineon, and Magenta to determine the best three projects who will receive cash prizes, additional smart project development kits, as well as a free one year subscription to Tributech’s IoT and Data Platform.

Supporting IoT innovation

“Nordic is a firm believer in supporting IoT innovation in all its forms, and as such is delighted to sponsor this contest to find more IoT startups with ingenious solutions to everyday problems,” says Thomas Page, Regional Sales Director, Nordic Semiconductor, and a member of the contest expert jury. “The Tributech OEM module entrants will receive is designed to simplify and accelerate the development of scalable and application-specific IoT devices. This is a goal shared by Nordic, and something we strive hard to achieve in all our products.”

To enter the Smart Product Challenge for IoT Solutions click here.