Color Coding of Resistor

The value of the resistor is usually defined using the color codes. You might have observed different color bands painted on the resistor. Now the commercially available resistors can have either 4,5 or 6 bands and depend upon the number of color bands these resistors are known as either 4-band, 5-band, or 6-band resistors. Here are the steps to determine the value of the resistor.

Finding the value of 4- band resistor


From the above table, we will find the value of the resistor depending upon the color bands of the resistor.

In this 4-band resistor, the 1st color band is red. so it defines the value of 2, similarly the 2nd color band of this resistor is black, so it defines the value of 0, likewise, the 3rd color band of the resistor is of green color it defines the multiplying value of 105 and lastly, the 4th band of a resistor defines the tolerance value of the resistor and it of silver color so it represents the tolerance value of 10%. So if we combine all these different values then the total value of the resistor will be


20*105 Ω

Value: 20*105 Ω 10%

Finding the value of 5-band resistor

From the above table, we will find the value of the resistor depending upon the color bands of the resistor.

In this 5_band resistor, the 1st color band is red. so it defines the value of 2 similarly the 2nd color band of this resistor is black, so it defines the value of 0, likewise the 3rd color band of the resistor is of green color so it represents the value of 5. The 4th color band of the resistor is the orange color it defines the multiplying value of 103 and lastly, the 5th band of a resistor defines the tolerance value of the resistor and is of silver color so it represents the tolerance value of 10%. So if we combine all these different values then the total value of the resistor will be.


205*103 Ω

Value: 205*103 Ω 10%

Finding the value of 6-band resistor

From the above table, we will find the value for the value of the resistor depending upon the color bands of the resistor.

Here the 1st band of the resistor is of orange color which defines the value of 3, and then the 2nd band is of yellow color it defines the value of 4. Likewise, the 3rd color band of the resistor is of green color and it defines the value of 5.the next 4th color band is of brown color having a multiplying factor of 101.5th color band is of violet color having tolerance value of 0.1%, and then the last color band which is of brown color so it defines as the temperature coefficient resistance of the resistor is 100 ppm/K. now combine all individual values we get the total value of the resistor.

345*10 Ω

345*10 Ω 0.1 %( 100 ppm/K)

3450 Ω 0.1 %( 100 ppm/K)