Fusible Resistor – Working & Its Applications

What is a Fusible Resistor? Why is it used?

Fusible Resistor



Circuit Diagram of Fusible Resistor

The value of the fusible resistor can be calculated using the following

  1. First of all consider the supply voltage and the output current required.
  2. Find the appropriate power rating for your resistor, based on whether it will be in series or parallel with your circuit. This can be done by multiplying voltage by current and then dividing by 2 (for series) or 1 (for parallel).
  3. Determine the maximum current that will flow through it. You can calculate this using Ohm’s law which states that
    V = I x R,
    where, V = voltage.
    I = current.
    R = resistance.
  4. For example, if your voltage is 14 volts and your desired resistance is 10 ohms, then the current through your fusible resistor would be 1.4 amps.

Applications Fusible Resistor