Future introduction on 5g technologies

In telecommunication, 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for the broadband cellular network, which cellular phone companies going to use this technology from 2019 worldwide.

This technology promises to give the world the fastest network to be used up till now. This is the upgrade version of 4G technology and helps to redefine the network, establishing a new global wireless standard speed of broadband. This 5G network will be built as a bridge to the future.

First-generation (1G) introduce the first cell phones to enter the world.

The second-generation (2G) introduce the feature upgrade to the first generation that includes SMS and voicemail that comes to the mobile handset.

Third Generation (3G) has a feature that introduces the higher data transfer rate to enable mobile web browsing, image sharing, and GPS location- tracking.

And now Fourth Generation (4G) has the feature in which broadband delivers deep web functionality to our smartphones.

As from the above, to understand this latest technology 5G, we have to understand what came before it. Thus this 5g operates on the same radio frequencies that are currently being used by the smartphone i.e. for Wi-Fi network and in satellite communication also this technology can go a lot further. As we use cellular data to download a full-length HD movie to our phone in a second even if the traffic is high. 5G is real about connecting things everywhere – reliably and with stability without lag so that the people can measure and understand and manage the real-time.

This 5 G has three types

a) Thus low range 5G can operate on the frequency below 2GHz as it is the oldest cellular and TV frequency. It can be used for long-distance communication, but there are not very wide channels available also many of this channel is used by 4G. Therefore the 5G with a low range will be slow. It will be going to act like and feel like 4G now. Thus 5G band channels are from 5MHz to 15MHz.

b)This middle-range allows using 2- 10GHz range which indicates that it can cover most cellular and WIFI frequency also the frequency slightly above that. This 5 G network will a very decent range from the tower, often about half a mile, in most of the country most of the network will carry the 5G traffic. Thus many countries offer their carrier for mid-range around 100MHz in 5G.

c) Thus this 5G with a high range or band is much faster than the 4G and also from the above ranges. Millimeter-wave is the new feature of high band 5G. As there will be the 20-100GHz range in 5G high range frequency. According to the test, an 800-foot distance from the tower will allow the airway for the consumer application that has never been before, and if there then it is in very short range. But there will be vast amounts of unused spectrum, which means very fast speed using up to 800MHz at a time. Thus according to the test, we have found the 3Gbps over speed on Verizon’s high band network which is called the “ultra wideband”.

Safety of 5G

Thus according to the theory conspiracy online has blamed 5G for everything from cancer to coronavirus, but they tend to fall apart at the slightest tap of facts. This low band middle range band is based on a radio frequency that has been used for many years. Low band 5G uses UHF TV bands, which have been used since 1952. Mid-range has been used since 2007. But there is question raise to use 5G technology have high frequency.