IC LM339 : Pin Configuration, Circuit Diagram and Its Applications


Pin configuration of IC LM339


Symbolic Form
LM339 Pinout


Pins                      Description
Pin1 (OUT): It is an output pin of the first comparator.
Pin2 (OUT): It is an output pin of the second comparator
Pin3 (VCC): It is the Power supply of the comparator.
Pin4 (IN-): It is a negative input pin of the second comparator
Pin5 (IN+): It is a positive input pin of the second comparator.
Pin6 (IN-): It is a negative input of the first comparator
Pin7 (IN+): It is a positive pin of the first comparator.
Pin8 (IN-): It is a negative pin of the third comparator.
Pin9 (IN+): It is a positive pin of the third comparator
Pin10 (IN-): It is a negative pin of the fourth comparator
Pin11 (IN+): It is a positive input pin of the fourth comparator
Pin12 (GND): It is a ground pin
Pin13 (OUT4): It is an output pin of the fourth comparator.
Pin14 (OUT3): It is an output pin of the third comparator.

Applications of IC LM339