What is an Silicone Wristband RFID Bracelet Tag : Specifications & Its Applications

Silicone Wristband RFID Bracelet Tag

Now how does a Wristband RFID Bracelet Tag work?

Is RFID wristbands the same as barcode wristbands?

No, The similarities between RFID and bar codes stop there, even though the idea behind data retrieval by scanning is the same. The difference between them is given below.

Parameters RFID Wristband Barcode Wristband
Read Rate Excessive throughput. It is the perfect system for event admissions because thousands of tags may be read in only a few minutes. Inadequate throughput. Only one code may be used at a time.
Line of Sight Not necessary There is no specific orientation needed if the tag is within reading range. An RFID bracelet can be read from any angle, even the tag’s back. Required! Barcodes must be visible for scanners to be able to read them. The barcode needs to be facing a certain way. This is not practical, according to event planners. For the barcode to be read, it must always be spotless.
Resource Low. A portal or integrated gate can automate RFID so that attendees can tap their tags when they enter an event. High. To achieve correct scanning, human contact is almost always necessary.
Read/Write Capability Real-time reading, writing, and even editing. Read-only.
Durability High. To protect RFID antennas from moisture, heat, and bumps, they can be embedded in a variety of non-conductive materials. Low. Weather damage causes barcodes to malfunction. Bar codes must be completely readable to function.
Security High. RFID is challenging to replicate. A password can be used to encrypt tags and the database they access. For this reason, paper tickets are being replaced by RFID wristbands at concerts and festivals. Low. Simple to duplicate, copy, and counterfeit
Here’s how to determine if your barcode concert tickets are real or phony.

How Much Data Can an RFID Tag Store?

Features & Specifications of Silicone Wristband RFID Bracelet Tag

Advantages of Silicone Wristband RFID Bracelet Tag

Applications of Silicone Wristband RFID Bracelet Tag